Saturday, October 17, 2009

Feeling Peaceful

It's been a good few days - getting ready for a new calling is always fun and nervous at the same time. I won't say what it is until Sunday but I am so thankful to know of the trust and faith that Heavenly Father has in me and my abilities.

I'm not eating enough again and my workouts are suffering because of it - I only was able to complete the warmup in my Insanity yesterday so I am trying to get back to normal eating today - I just get so lazy that I don't want to put anything together - aarg!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Apostle's testimony of the Book of Mormon

After that conference talk - you knew it wouldn't be long before this came out - so hear, and enjoy that spiritual power again:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back to "almost" normal

Well today was back to "almost" being normal. Everything is starting to feel much better and my body is starting to heal and get back to it's normal self. The area of my mouth that was swollen and in pain from the wisdom took extraction is way down and pain near gone. I am able to chew much better and close my teeth completely shut. The flu symptoms have just about disappeared, just a bunch of runny nose still.

Today was a day off of work - because of Columbus Day - Federal Holiday - Banks closed! Terri still had to work and the boys still had school - so it was just me and shadow (our dog) at home today. I got a lot of things done today and just relaxed. I was able to workout again for the first time in 5 days - so that felt good. It was the pure cardio and cardio abs routine today and that one is always tough, but I did pretty well with the time off and sweated up a storm once again -- my exercise induced asthma doesn't enjoy it as much - but oh well.

Terri has her Birthday yesterday - and is a very young 29 again! I am so glad that I married a "forever" young woman because it keeps me young as well. It is such a joy to have been a part of many of those birthdays and will be there for all the remaining ones as well. Para Bens meu amor!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Andy's Visit

Been having a great time with Andy and his Finance, Tiffany and her daughter, Anastasia today. We have just been hanging around the house and went out to take some pictures - so hope you all enjoy them. I also have the pics in an album on my facebook. (

Hope you are all having a great day -- and we'll chat, or see you soon!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Star Spangled Banner Like You’ve Never Heard It

Some things deserve a “Wow,” and this performance by two six-year-olds, two seven-year-olds and an eight-year-old at a Texas Tech University Basketball game some months ago is one of those

Dentist - who me??

The funny part about this is that I had "thought" back in 1984 that all my wisdom teeth were taken out - apparently they weren't - so I got to go through this one more time -- luckily it was only one this time.

It took quite a bit of courage on my part only because I fear dentist so much due to my military experience - and haven't been to a dentist since. One of our board of directors is a dentist and I know him really good and so he talked me into getting a checkup -- we then discovered that I still had one wisdom tooth back there and it was infected pretty bad - so it had to be removed. Anyway, after I made him promise that I would not feel anything - I decided to go and get it removed. It was done yesterday morning and I then went back home and spent the day in bed with ice off and on and pain medication -- and yes, it hurts. I actually think this one took hurts much worse than the 3 taken out in '84. Today has a little swelling and I can't chew, and as long as I keep the pain medication in me it is alright. They also fixed a temporary crown on one tooth and in 2 weeks I'll get the permament one put in -- I guess the old one had a "leak" in it and was slowly getting infection through it -- anyway -- for not being to a dentist in over 20 years my teeth were very good -- just the minor things and we are getting those fixed.

I had to put Shaun T on hold yesterday - couldn't workout at all -- I'm hoping to be able to tonight but we'll see.

Andy and his fiancee, Tiffany and little girl Anastasia arrived this morning - they are going to Vegas to meet some friends today and then spend some time with us tomorrow. I will get some pics tomorrow and then do a slide show post for everyone to see.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bike Weather

Oh Man I love this weather here this time of year. When I go home for lunch I am able to ride my bike back to work -- it is 63 degrees now and just beautiful to bike in -- it's still a little chilly in the morning so I don't ride it then - but awesome right now.

The Huntsman World Senior Games started yesterday here in St George -- do you realize that in 2 years, I can join them! You need to be 50 yrs and older. I was checking out the 10k times, as it was ran yesterday, and the winner did it in 36min something -- only 3 years ago I was running around there -- and the 1/2 marathon from last year (because this year doesn't run until the 8th) was 1:33 - still well within my reach -- and I am still in excellent shape -- so yes, I am really thinking about getting back into road racing again to see where I am at. No marathons, just 10k's and half marathons -- so who knows!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

2 Weeks of Insanity

No - it doesn't mean anything bad -- it means I survived 2 weeks of Shaun T's Insanity!!

Today was my 2nd week Fit Test and there was much improvement and I am very impressed -- of course with "un-fit-shape" I was in before, anything is an improvement. The test consists of 8 exercises that you do as many reps as possible for 1 minute - then a 2 min rest inbetween. Here are the exercises with my first day results and today's 2nd week results:

Switch Kicks: 38 - 63 (25 more)
Power Jacks: 40 - 54 (6 more)
Power Knees: 97 - 126 (29 more)
Power Jumps: 18 - 40 (22 more)
Globe Jumps: 7 - 10 (3 more)
Suicide Jumps: 11 - 14 (3 more)
Push-up Jacks: 13 - 20 (7 more)
Low Plank Obliques: 18 - 32 (14 more)

You know, even if I only got 1 more rep on everyone that would had been great - just because these are so tough to do -- so I am really excited with the amount that I did get -- can't wait for the next 2 weeks!

Awesome picture

Had to post this picture - being in the young men I just fell in love with it.


Just a test coming from my mobile phone.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference Time

What a great general conference first day this was. I really enjoyed every talk and learned so much.

Tonight was special because it was CJ's first time going to priesthood session with me. So our club is now 3 - Me, Nathan and CJ. And they just had great talks for his first time. I am so impressed with Elder Ballards talk about Father and Sons talking - it was just beautiful.

Most people go out for ice cream afterwards but Nathan and I started going out to dinner and so we, again, went to our spot at Ernesto's on the Blvd and it was really good having all the Weidman priesthood together and having a good time and enjoying each other's company. It was a really good night.

I am so thankful for the priesthood in my life and how it has helped me and allowed me to be able to bless the lives of other's as well. It's a good goal in life to always remain pure and worthy so when the time comes to use my priesthood, that the spirit and do so unrestrained.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Another Testament

Ok - please go to this website and view this marvelous slideshow presentation:

Another Testatment of Christ

I promise you that you will be very glad you did -- and it'll get you ready for conference also.

It is real and it did happen -- I know! I don't just believe, but I KNOW!